Chapter 980- Calling back the troops
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 980- Calling back the troops

Rongzhi’s eyes were red, and he was excited.

Power of the Gods was amazing, and it shocked him. Even if there were many rumors about how strong it was, you wouldn’t understand how shocking it was if you didn’t see it personally.

It could strike ten thousand people at once and gave Rongzhi hope that they could end the battle quickly.

There were many warriors in the Posthumous People's city, but they couldn’t defend against the Power of the Gods. Although this equipment relied on absorbing the energy from warriors, each time it was used, the warriors would lose stamina and energy, which couldn’t be absorbed again in a short time.

However, they could use it four times a day in the current situation. Which meant that they could kill over thirty, even forty thousand, Posthumous people warriors a day.

How many warriors were there?

Not to mention how many they would kill in the end; just the psychological damage he would do was enough to cause many to collapse. Many would lose their will to fight. When the time comes, Saint Light Hall would easily take down the city that had never fallen.

They would write this piece of history.

The metal tower lit up once again. Rongzhi looked at the walls of the Imperial City and searched for the next target.

He saw the part of the wall that Cloud Peak was defending. These people were too obvious. What they wore and what they held were all shining. In the dark mountains, it was like a bright lamp.

You are the ones!

They were the ones who sneak-attacked Saint Light Hall, right? Also, they provided the equipment that the Posthumous people were using that was not as good but still shining, right?

Rongzhi pointed to the two other heads, and they used the second wave.

The tip of the tower lit up. Before this, no one knew who the target was. But Cloud Peak members had ashen white faces when the light turned into a meteor that flew over.

They had activated their defenses previously, but they weren’t sure if it would be useful… Or rather, they knew it wouldn’t be too useful. Some d

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