Chapter 979- Brown Bone Pearl
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 979- Brown Bone Pearl

When Saint Light Hall was using the super strong equipment to attack the Imperial City, no one bothered about Ye Zhongming.

Of course, it was just temporary, as the outside commotion was huge. The protector and the rest were at the hall's entrance.

The purple crystal ball’s need for mental energy decreased and then stopped, which made Ye Zhongming relax. But he hesitated.

He already obtained the equipment's name, but he was unsure if it was the same as before he strengthened it.

“Brown Bone Pearl, recognition 7%, ability unlocked level 3, ability choice…”

Ye Zhongming was lost as this wasn’t the same as equipment from wheels. He didn’t know what recognition was and why the success rate was only 7%. He also didn’t know what ability unlocked meant. Was it the same as seals? Or was there a difference?

It was probably like this because it was a Blue Secret Realm equipment.

Ye Zhongming placed his questions down and continued to read the information in his mind.

“Choice 1, Reflecting Body. Create a clone filled with energy that has half the function of your main body and is completely controlled. It can wear equipment. The main body permanently loses 10% of its stats when it dies. The clone needs the Brown Bone Pearl to charge, and the time needed to charge is related to the intensity of use.”

“Choice 2, Impure Green Bottle. Modify a bottle-shaped thing to be able to accept green impure gas. You can release the gas after charging the Brown Bone Pearl to create a death region. The amount of gas it contains is related to the recognition level and ability unlocked level.”

“Choice 3, Heaven Covering Barrier. Create a giant barrier to prevent all other ranged attacks apart from mental energy attacks. The defense will consume energy based on how intense the attack is. When the energy reaches zero, the barrier will disappear. Ability charges are one day.”

“Choice 4, recognition insufficient… Unlocked level not enough.”

“Choice 5, recognition insufficient… Unlocked level not enough.”



“Choice 10, recogniti

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