Chapter 978.5- Power of the gods (2)
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 978.5- Power of the gods (2)

Using their skills from this distance? It was too far, and it couldn’t threaten the walls at all.

The few kings looked at each other and could see the questions in their eyes.

They weren’t so innocent to think that Saint Light Hall would make such a mistake.

“Tell everyone to pay attention and switch on all defensive measures. Let’s see what they want to do!”

Hong Xiang ordered the defending troops to get to work.

On the other side, Xia Lei had come to the wall and saw their weird ritualistic actions. At the same time, she ordered Cloud Peak and those warriors who were here for bounties to get ready.

The Saint Light Hall warriors used their skills, and the skill light didn't fly toward the walls and… It dimmed!

The Posthumous people had picked up their weapons and got ready. When they saw those scenes, they relaxed and looked at their enemies disdainfully.

“The ground! The light is increasing!”

Many defending soldiers shouted as they saw the light of those metals increase. Those who weren’t paying attention also noticed it. They also saw that the light was shifting towards the metal tower.

“The metal ground is absorbing their energy and transferring it to that tower? Then…”

Xia Lei’s expression worsened, and she shouted at the people around her, “Activate the defense. Use defensive equipemnt! The rest of you lay down! Lay down!”

Xia Lei was not the only one who realized that things weren’t right. The few kings and some sharper people noticed. The entire wall was in chaos.

The metal tower absorbed the energy, and through the conversion done by the three heads, energy started to gather at the top. It grew brighter and brighter, turning the mountain range into daytime.

Warriors and beasts who were used to the darkness all closed their eyes. They couldn’t handle the light.

In the next second, the light turned into a meteor that smashed towards the Posthumous people's wall.

There was no reaction time before the light hit the wall. The light didn’t choose the firm city gate or the wall, but it chose… The

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Novel Notes

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