Chapter 978- Power of the gods
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 978- Power of the gods

Ye Zhongming still didn’t know that the commotion he caused had shocked the entire Blue Secret Realm. It seemed like he was just closing his eyes and was very calm, but he was actually very frustrated.

The strengthening of the bone pearl ring and the purple crystal ball continued and consumed his mental energy. At the start, it was very quick such that he felt like he would be sucked dry within two minutes.

But maybe because this fellow was close to being full, the speed slowed. Although his mental energy continued to enter the crystal ball, it was similar to Ye Zhongming’s recovery speed.

Of course, this was due to Ye Zhongming having the Soul Refining Technique and Mental Energy Recovery necklace. If not, they wouldn’t be able to handle such a speed if it were someone else.

The kings and the protector were all sweating. They didn’t know if they should interrupt Ye Zhongming. They had never ever heard of such a thing before.

Fortunately, the pillar of light slowly disappeared. An unknown power landed on the crystal ball. Apart from the white light that it gave off at the start, a brown light veil covered it.

This crystal ball had been placed in the hall for many years, and there had never been any changes. No one could explain this situation, so they could only watch and wait…

The absorption speed slowed again, and Ye Zhongming knew it was nearly done. But he didn’t dare to release his hands. Since things were already like this, he had to wait until the end. He wanted to see what changes would happen to this.

The three Saint Light Hall heads outside were very solemn. Rongzhi kept silent, but his expression was a little vicious.

They didn’t know what it was, but it didn’t stop them from linking the new king to it. The outcome caused their hearts to sink.

Did the Posthumous people have a trump card that could turn the tides of the battle? Did their Imperial City really have tricks, which was why it had not been taken down?

This time, Saint Light Hall had obtained a huge victory. In the past, they had neve

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