Chapter 977- Blue Artifact
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 977- Blue Artifact

Outside the Imperial City, on the plains.

The Saint Light Hall Army demonstrated what was an army and what was efficient.

They built their camp in a short time. The moats and obstructions the Posthumous people prepared were like child’s play to them.

Outside the mountain range, some Saint Light Hall forces were clearing out the Posthumous people who had been notified and escaped. But these people had missed their chance. They didn’t manage to enter the city to get protected and even bumped into the enemy’s main force.

Once that was done, all the logistics bases would gather to build the only base.

Once all of these were done, the Sint Light Hall army didn’t attack immediately.

They weren’t in a rush. To them, it was just a few more days.

At the center of the entire camp were the three heads of Saint Light Hall. They were in a meeting with the commanders of the other forces. Although they were confident of victory, they were still cautious as they faced the Imperial City that their ancestors hadn’t managed to take down.

Moreover, the attacks from that mysterious squad had left them trauma. The three commanders had to treat this seriously.

They were here to wipe out the Posthumous people and weren’t here for a tough victory.

The Light Cavalry Squad’s commander, Nan Jin, distributed missions. He was also the commander of the first attack and in charge of the start.

He said a few words when he heard a low horn. The people in the tent stopped and looked toward the Imperial City.

“Welcome horn.”

Zaili understood many things about the Posthumous people and immediately said the name of the horn.

He continued, “It will only be blown on two occasions: when a new king is appointed or when he dies.”

“This difference is that the coronation would have 98 pairs, and the funeral will have 100.”

Some people who were slightly weaker and without such sharp senses couldn’t tell how many pairs there were, but Zaili could: “98 pairs, so there is a new king.”

Rongzhi laughed, “The kings outside were all killed by us, an

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