Chapter 919.5- Taste (2)
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 919.5- Taste (2)

Ye Zhongming was also very surprised. He looked at the Death King Tree, which was still underground. This fellow didn’t bring him to the two squads but to find Xia Lei’s battle squad.

When Xia Lei saw Ye Zhongming, she couldn’t help but tear up and show her soft side. But Xia Lei was still Xia Lei and knew that this wasn’t time to reminisce. She immediately told Ye Zhongming about the situation.

“What? You told Liu Zhenghong to mass produce this potion?” Ye Zongming looked at Xia Lei in shock after hearing the news.

She nodded and was a little nervous.

She knew that although her guy was vicious and seemed like he would stop at nothing to reach his goal, but he would often have a bottom line.

This time, her choices were slightly rash. Although her goal was good, and she was doing so for Cloud Peak and Ye Zhognming, it was despicable, so she was worried that Ye Zhongming would blame her.

“I felt like this was needed because of Cloud Peak's situation. Sacrificing some people, even if they are innocent, is better than our own dying.”

The more she said, the softer her voice became.

Ye Zhongming opened his mouth but didn’t say anything.

“You did what you should do. I like you, beautiful!”

The Death King Tree suddenly appeared underground, shocking Xia Lei and the other warriors. They were experts in the apocalypse but didn’t notice that there was a strong lifeform beside them.

They instinctively crowded toward Ye Zhongming.

“Death King Tree?”

Someone finally saw how it looked and exclaimed.

This level eight plant gave everyone a deep impression. Anyone who had seen it before wouldn’t forget it.

Death King Tree shook its crown. It jumped up, and there was no dirt on its body. Moreover, the cement surface was like paper, and couldn’t stop it at all.

“Hi, beautiful. What is your name? I like you. Let’s have coffee when you are free.”

Death King Tree’s words made the entire building silent.

“Er, isn’t that how you humans greet one another?”

Seeing how those people looked at it like it was a monster, the De

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