Chapter 919- Taste
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 919- Taste

After agreeing with the Death King Tree, Ye Zhongming relaxed.

He wasn’t afraid that the Death King Tree would go against its word because the two solutions it gave the mutated plant were too attractive. It wouldn’t give up on a chance to get to level nine just for a full meal.

The soul contract was sometimes less reliable than interests.

What was more exciting was that, be it the first solution in tree form or the second solution in human form, they couldn’t be solved quickly. The Death King Tree could be considered a Cloud Peak member during this period.

To make a level eight expert who had touched the cusp of level nine a bodyguard, Ye Zhongming felt like he wouldn’t even be afraid of Yangos.

In that instance, he even felt like after the matter, he should find a time to bring Death King Tree and the level eight kings to deal with the Chain Prisoner.

After these thoughts appeared, he turned his attention back to the corpses.

It was not a good signal for this mysterious squad to appear around Cloud Peak, especially at such a sensitive time.

The Death King Tree saw his expression and walked over. It specifically walked two rounds around him. The translucent body’s female figure got close to Ye Zhongming.

This made him roll his eyes. He wanted to tell it that it couldn’t be so shameless if it were a woman. But thinking about how it often talked about mating, there was no point in saying that to it, so he kept quiet.

The Death King Tree smiled, and its body changed. It turned back to what Ye Zhongming had seen the first time; it was much smaller. The female body was also covered.

Ye Zhongming smiled. The Death King Tree was still a plant, and this was its original state. The crystal state should be its battle form.

“You are guessing their background?”

Death King Tree shook its crown and said to Ye Zhongming.

This made his eyes light up. There was no point in him guessing. It had eaten these people, so it absorbed their minds and should know something. He could just ask it.

“Right, these people won’t be

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