Chapter 918.5- Perfect plan (2)
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 918.5- Perfect plan (2)

But Ye Zhongming used a way to slice off its connection with the Life Brain, which terrified the Death King Tree.

Even if the Death King Tree could absorb human intelligence, its actions were getting closer to human ones. However, it was still a plant, and it liked to be direct in solving problems. If possible, it would kill Ye Zhongming to get the Life Brain.

But it couldn’t, as it couldn’t find the brain. It was also unable to find Ye Zhongming for a period of time. This made it panic. It could only come to Cloud Peak and wait for a chance.

Coincidentally, it bumped into the mutated army attack. It felt like this was its chance, and it could use it.

Of course, it wasn’t confident. It just felt like if Cloud Peak was broken, the Life Brain might get damaged. It was also close to level nine and couldn’t wait, so it decided to take the risk.

But now, it seemed like there was more than one way to solve the problem.

The Death King Tree was a mutated plant. It knew what mutated plants were like. When they first evolved, the demon crystal would appear. Moreover, apart from colors changing in the future, the size of the crystal wouldn’t change.

So this thing was the mark of its evolution.

For example, when the Death King Tree was a sprout, the demon crystal wouldn’t appear. They were still weak. Although they would grow and evolve quickly, it wouldn't have a crystal for the few days as a sprout.

But this one had!

Although it was very small!

What would this mean?

This meant that the demon crystal evolved along with the growth of the main body!

This sounded like nonsense, right? All mutated lifeforms evolved along with growth, but why did the Death King Tree make a Life Brain?

Wasn’t it so that it could break through the level nine lock? That was because, when you reached the level eight peak, you needed not only growth and full energy to get to level nine, you needed to comprehend.

This sprout had a crystal at birth, which meant that the crystal would evolve as it grew until it reached level nine!

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