Chapter 918- Perfect plan
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 918- Perfect plan

The Death King Tree suddenly laughed.

This laugh reduced the fear in its heart by a little.

“You used this… En in human words, trick, right, you have already tricked me once, and you are using it again. You aren’t very smart.”

This female face relaxed. In just a short time, it returned to normal.

It understood that if Ye Zhongming really had a way to kill it, he would have already attacked. He wouldn’t have waited or even talked so much to it.

This human didn’t attack, which meant that even if he had a method, it couldn’t be used easily.

Since that was the case, it didn’t have to fear. At most, it could just run away. Anyway, it wasn’t the first time.

Mutated lifeforms were more willing to run away than humans.

Ye Zhongming shook his head. “You know how we agreed previously. The moment the contract ended, we knew what went on. You didn’t come to Cloud Peak after such a long time but only came now. This is fate.”

Based on their agreement, the Death King Tree should have come to Cloud Peak to get the life brain. After all, it was the show of its strongest ability. But it didn’t come. Ye Zhongming didn’t know the reason. Maybe it didn’t trust humans or because its strength had recovered quickly. Anyway, it used a secret technique to remove the contract.

Ye Zhongming, the other person who signed the contract, sensed it, but he didn’t care much about it. After all, if the Death King Tree didn’t cancel it, he would. Neither side wanted to be controlled.

Now that the Death King Tree was here, Ye Zhongming knew it didn’t have kind intentions. It wanted to force him here and after consuming him, it would head to Cloud Peak to feast. It would accumulate the energy needed for level nine and then find the life brain.

It didn’t attack because it feared Ye Zhongming’s bone staff.

Fate was just a figure of speech. Ye Zhongming continued, “Don’t suspect that I am delaying time. When you lost in Linhai, what did you choose? Aren’t you still standing before me? So, the method you use today will be useless if I become vi

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