Chapter 920- Job
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 920- Job

“Based on orders, we are not allowed to head out. Even the intel is from the first team…”

The deputy wanted to say something, but the captain’s fierce gaze stopped him.

He kept quiet. The last person whom the captain looked at with such gazes was dead, and his body was probably decomposed.

“Do you know what it means that the third team has lost contact?”

The deputy was stunned but still replied, “Something must have happened, but we don’t know who did it. It is a bit of a stretch to say that Cloud Peak did it. The first team has been monitoring Xia Lei’s squad. Although they can’t get too close, they don’t have much movement. Then it can only be mutated lifeforms.”

He pinched his chin, “It should be a strong lifeform that could kill the third team so silently. After all, they are quite strong, too.”

This analysis made sense and was the closest answer. The truth was that the Death King Tree finished the third team. But he didn't expect the Death King Tree to be so smart, and they wouldn’t expect it to end up working with Ye Zhongming.

“Since that is the case, we aren’t safe, either. Who knows if that thing would find us? There aren’t many people in Ying City. The third team is the smallest and might not be enough for that strong lifeform.”

The captain felt like the deputy’s words were logical. Even a small, advanced mutated lifeform ate a lot; simply put, it could eat many people a meal. A few hundred people would barely be enough for a snack if it were a fellow like the level eight Zombie Ape.

Moreover, they were picky and only ate certain parts of humans, requiring a huge amount of food.

So, the third team might have four digits of warriors, but if they met such a fellow, they wouldn’t be enough.

The deputy nodded. The more humans gather together, the bigger the target they become. It was the same underground. Some monsters wouldn’t attack a single survivor or even a few dozen. But they might attack a few thousand survivors, which would be able to be full after just one hunt.

The second team fit those

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