Chapter 916.5- Ying City visitors (1)
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 916.5- Ying City visitors (1)

Ah Gui didn’t reply. He focused on carving the bullet in his hands and said, “Soul techniques are really good.”

As his mental energy was restricted, although he had an amazing Military Carver job, he could create so few things.

Although they had long agreed on the Flame Tiger Operation and Le Dayuan had prepared for it long ago, when it was time to start the operation, they could only have two sets on the heavy trucks. It wasn’t that they couldn’t craft more, but because the bullets couldn’t keep up. Even if the machine guns fired slower than real machine guns, they consumed many bullets. After spending many consecutive days, ah Gui could only make enough for a small battle.

After Ye Zhongming returned, he brought back battle techniques and soul techniques. Ah Gui naturally selected the soul technique, the Soul Refining Technique. His mental energy increased significantly in a short time. Along with his evolution, his overall amount increased. He could create 200 ordinary bullets a day. As for Ye Zhongming’s silver bullets, he could only craft one a day because the level was too high and the success rate was too low.

“I need two days.”

Ah Gui knew what Ye Zhongming meant. He was asking for five bullets. Due to the success rate, Ye Zhongming needed five sets.

Ah Gui was shocked. He guessed that the five silver bullets were being merged into one gold bullet. It crossed green and blue grades, so the success rate would be low. But Ye Zhongming wanted five sets, meaning his success rate was 20%!

That was an unbelievable rate!

Even if he knew that Ye Zhongming had used the Smith Heart, this was still gold grade. It had, to an extent, broken the level of all current equipment.

After coming into contact with Ah Gui, he knew how terrifying Ye Zhongming was.

He nodded. Recovering his mental energy while thinking of a plan.

He was confident in defending Cloud Peak, but there would be two issues. One was the casualty rate. If these mutated lifeforms continued to attack, the number of losses would be something that b

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