Chapter 917- Fight or peace
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 917- Fight or peace

“Long time no see.”

Death King Tree’s beautiful female face smiled as if those corpses on the ground had nothing to do with her.

Ye Zhongming kept silent and didn’t say anything. He knew that the Death King Tree purposely led him here.

But he had to come, and the Death King Tree knew it.

There was a massive difference in strength from all the level eight lifeforms Ye Zhongming had seen.

The zombie ape that appeared in the Cloud Peak defense battle wasn’t very strong because its strengths and weaknesses were obvious, and it was easy for people to target. If it weren’t too talented and didn’t have many talent skills, it would be the weakest out of all of the same level.

Another one of this type was the level eight Pink Ball. Strictly speaking, it was only seven and a half, or it had level eight level but level seven strength. If not, Red Hair wouldn’t be able to kill it. This was the gap between natural lifeforms and ones that were created. Even after Cloud Peak grasped this technology in the future, the situation probably won’t be any better.

The five-headed level-eight beast were average, and they were special presence. Out of the beasts, they were definitely the top. So, in the same level of lifeforms, although they were weaker than those extremely strong, they were still strong enough.

Such a lifeform was the most common in the entire level.

Of course, there were some, like the pliosaurus Ye Zhongming met at the Ocean King Wheel or the three-nosed little elephant. These fellows didn’t attack, so it was hard to judge.

Apart from those, the remaining ones were at the top.

Yellow Ball, Talking Lady, and Red Hair all belonged to this category for level seven lifeforms. They rarely had opponents at their level, and it was hard for them to decide who would win if they fought. Be it their bodies or abilities, they would crush the weaker ones of the same level and have an advantage over the ordinary ones.

Although level eight was a higher level, the pattern continued. Ye Zhongming had seen two of such, the Ch

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