Chapter 916- Ying City visitors
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 916- Ying City visitors

Troops beneath your walls.

Many were familiar with this phrase, but only a few had personally experienced and understood it during peacetime.

But such things were becoming more common in the apocalypse.

Whether it was humans or mutated lifeforms who were beneath the walls.

So when the mutated lifeform army attacked, even if the humans had defended for many days, they were still slightly stunned.

Before firearms were invented, this was probably how wars were fought.

As for battles that could involve so many people, there would only be several in history, and each of them decided the fate of a country.

Now, was it the battle between humans and mutated lifeforms?

That thought rose in the heads of many people.

Their next thought was that those mutated lifeforms didn’t use all their strength at all!

The previous few days were indeed very intense. The battle seemed to have reached its most crucial point at the most dangerous moment.

Everyone thought that it was their sharpest attack. Their endless attacks from day to night made it hard to hold on.

But as compared to this, that was far weaker.

Although all their members had previously attacked, they didn’t use any tactics. They relied on the bloodthirst and frenzy of the mutated lifeforms.

The humans fought for every inch of the wall and could barely hold on with the help of various weapons.

But right at the start of this battle, everyone felt differently.

As for what it was, it could be answered in a few words.

Layers! Coordination!

The mutated lifeforms stopped attacking based on instinct. The high-level lifeforms organized them and used a human-like way to attack.

How did humans attack?

They used their strengths.

So did the mutated lifeforms. Those stronger ones with higher defense were at the front, and the ranged were at the back. Other lifeforms were in the middle. These three layers were further split. For example, your exact range would decide where you were in the ranged layer. They didn’t fire randomly and agreed to listen to orders to ensur

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