Chapter 914- Killer King (2)
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 914- Killer King (2)

The level eight beast’s body was huge. The moment it was hit, it fell and smashed into the ground.

People who saw those scenes took a deep breath.

It was too strong, it actually knocked a level eight beast down with one shot? Moreover, it caused such injuries?

The level eight beast lay on the ground, the part that was hit faced up and it was bloodied. One could even see the bone from some angles.

People were shocked at its injuries, but some were unhappy with the results.

Like Ye Zhongming.

The damage that the crystal weapon caused wasn’t explosive damage but slicing damage. It was an energy slice.

So, the targets that the crystal weapon killed were usually slashed. Especially those who died to the cannons. It wasn’t that they were split into two, but their corpses were shattered.

Normally, if that shot killed the level eight monster shot, it would have turned into pieces of meat.

But it wasn’t dead. The injuries didn’t seem that serious. As one couldn’t see much traces of its back being sliced open.

Instead, many surrounding zombies were hit, and many were killed.

Although the level eight beast dodged the first cannon, it hit the ground. The damage the cannon caused wasn’t comparable to that caused by the cannons on the walls. A large patch of zombies, including a level six zombie, was killed instantly.

The second cannon shot the level eight zombie down, squashing many zombies. These two added together meant that the damage was nearly identical to a round of V2 rocket launcher’s shot.

The situation around Yellow Ball’s statue was lightened.

But Ye Zongming knew that things weren’t so simple. That level eight beast was stumbling to get up.

Their life force was strong at this level, whether humans or mutated lifeforms. Especially the latter, whose body was its natural advantage. This monster was naturally the same. A cannon that could kill a level six monster instantly only injured it, which showed how strong its defense was.

If it got up, it would probably launch a fierce revenge.

The level eight b

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