Chapter 915- Finished guns
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 915- Finished guns

The sudden situation stunned everyone. They had previously seen Ye Zhongming’s shot failing to do anything to the level-eight beast’s head.

That golden light was so strong to injure the currently highest level lifeform?

But what happened next made all lifeforms feel a chill.

After that bullet was shot, it activated the Toss Shot skill. The reason why Ye Zhongming was so adamant in firing shot after shot was that he wanted to numb the level eight beast. His final goal was for that shot.

The bullet passed the monsters that were blocking and entered the five heads.

Although it was just a flash of golden light, no one felt that there would be a kill. After all, the level eight beast was too strong. Whether intercepting the Yellow Ball or blocking the Exquisite Floating Ball and rockets, it seemed strong enough. When Ye Zhongming fired at it, it only lost a leg.

It was already a great outcome if this shot could badly injure it.

Right. If a gun could kill a level eight lifeform, no one would believe it.

If that were the case then the evolution system would be a joke.

You spent so much effort to evolve and then got one shot by a human?

If that was the case, then who would bother to evolve?

In truth, guns' threat to evolved lifeforms reduced as time passed. Even some decent guns weren’t very useful against high-level lifeforms.

Evolved’s reaction speed, agility, defensive equipment, job skill, skills, bloodline, etc., meant that the penetrative or explosive bullets weren’t that effective. Regular guns were already useless to three-star evolved. Even with higher-level firearms, even a green gun was not much of a threat to intermediate-level evolved. Unless the bullets had a high level and one had some shooting skills, which would help to increase the threat, but that was still limited.

Ye Zhongming was a six-star evolved in his last life and had a green gun. Why was he an intermediate-grade evolved? It was because guns were too weak. He could only be slightly reputable in a team, but he was unable to become a l

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