Chapter 913- Killer King
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 913- Killer King

The concept behind the crystal cannons wasn’t complicated. It was a unique skill because the steps to extract energy were complicated and very precise.

Le Dayuan became the father of crystal weapons because of his previous job with such equipment.

To him, it was hard to create a small cannon while ensuring it was powerful.

For example, the cannons used during the Flame Tiger Operation were tougher to create than those in the Sky Breaking series.

Based on this theory, the bigger cannons were much simpler to create.

But the truth wasn’t like that.

This affected the transfer and safety issues when he extracted the energy from the crystals.

In other words, the bigger the cannon, the more complicated it was to extract energy. More energy would be consumed, making activating the cannon firing mechanism tougher. Moreover, there were many safety difficulties compared to small cannons, which had no danger of their barrels exploding.

The most simple and direct way to solve this was to use high-level crystals.

However, crystal weapons had to extract energy from crystals, and the method for extracting energy from each level’s crystals was different. The higher the level, the more complicated it was.

Of course, high-level crystals contain more energy, so a bigger cannon would also be needed to contain the energy.

In his last life, such a huge cannon appeared only five to six years after the apocalypse. It should have been an experimental product. When they were really used, it would be six to seven years in the future. Although Ye Zhongming was only a third-rate evolved in his last life and didn’t know exactly, the timeframe he remembered should be correct.

Only two years had passed since the start, and he could craft such a huge cannon?

Especially when he saw that the energy source was level six crystals, Ye Zhongming believed Le Dayuan had pushed his crystal techniques to a height that he couldn’t imagine.

Maybe it had to do with Cloud Peak’s uncertainty.

His faction was often fighting, so he was forced to stud

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