Chapter 912- Giant cannon
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 912- Giant cannon

Hong hong hong!

Five hundred rockets were fired from the walls at the same time, which caused a giant wave.

Although their damage couldn’t compare to a four-star evolved’s skill, fortunately, it was explosive damage and AOE.

What was the situation of the mutated lifeform army? Although they were temporarily split into two groups, but the number of each was huge.

Humans killed many mutated lifeforms, and the number reached tens of thousands. Just Yellow Ball’s series of attacks killed over five thousand.

But this was nothing compared to the overall number!

So, the mutated lifeform army was still dense. People who had OCD would faint when they saw them.

So when the V2 rocket launchers fired, they didn’t have to aim; they just had to point the rocket in the right direction, and it would hit.

Hundreds of rockets flew through the sky, leaving clear smoke marks. It was a majestic sight.

Some mutated lifeforms tried to use skills to block the rockets. Some exploded in the sky, but these rockets were quick. It was only Ye Zhongming’s opinion that they weren’t strong enough. Someone who could insta kill a level seven would naturally neglect such strength. But in truth, each weapon was unique, and this was no exception.

It was fast, had a huge range, and was powerful. In just the first round of attacks, the mutated lifeform army was in chaos.

When one looked, this wave killed three to four thousand of them.

Of course, another reason was because they weren’t prepared.

But this was enough to raise their morale. It was visually shocking.

The team that was outside used this chance to push forward. The zombies that wanted to rip the statue apart had to retreat; if not, they would be blown up.

There was no rest as these warriors fired the second round of shots.

Compared to the first, the 500 dealt much less damage this time. The overall number was around half.

A few more zombies used their skills and attacks at the sky so only ⅔ of the rockets could explode.

Moreover, as the first wave was effective, the mutated

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