Chapter 911- 500
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 911- 500

Although Ye Zhongming saw Yellow Ball when he woke up, he hurried back because he was worried about the situation with the Cloud Peak forces.

He forgot one thing. Which was that when Yellow Ball evolved to level seven, it might have had a new talent skill.

Or rather, Ye Zhongming felt that Yellow Ball had a low chance of getting a new ability.

After all, due to his special Extractor job, he allowed Yellow Ball to have as many skills as its level. Strictly speaking, this was unusual. Based on evolution rules, unless Yellow Ball evolved to level nine, where he would have a high chance of getting a new ability, it was tough for it to get more when it evolved to other levels.

After all, Yellow Ball wasn’t from a very talented species, and it was not possible for it to have a high chance of acquiring a new talent skill with each evolution.

Of course, the dog also didn’t tell him about it.

Ye Zhongmign knew about its personality. It was a little similar to Little Tiger. It loved to act cool and show off. If it really had a new ability, it would brag about it and eagerly share it with Ye Zhongming.

But it didn’t.

Now, he finally knew why, because this new ability was… Revenge Storm.

If he had a choice, Ye Zhongming would rather Yellow Ball didn’t have this ability. This ability would be self-activated under very dangerous situations.

Right, self-activated. It was a passive ability.

If possible, no one wanted to activate that ability as it meant that you were in a desperate situation.

Revenge Storm, as the name meant, when the mutated lifeform faced a problem it couldn’t defend against, it would react to the last ability used.

Which meant that it didn’t have a fixed effect. It would just use the modified version of the last ability.

In comparison, this state wouldn’t be fixed. The skill might be different, but it would be much more powerful.

If these were the only few points, it would be a great ability. At least it could save its life at a crucial moment and even turn the tides of the battle. It did seem li

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