Chapter 905- Edge of death
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 905- Edge of death

The one who attacked was the five-headed level eight monster whose crystal was on the small head in the middle.

There weren't many beasts compared to the mutated animals, mutated plants, and zombies, but they were all strong.

Consider the mutated army besieging Cloud Peak. While their numbers were relatively small, less than 10 thousand, their average level was a formidable five. This placed them above the zombies and the mutated plants and animals, highlighting their exceptional strength.

Because of that, they could stand on the same level as the other groups.

The attack of the level eight mutated beast drew the attention of many mutated lifeforms. They wanted to see how strong this bird-shaped beast who was slightly fat and couldn’t fly on its own.

Xia Bai’s mask was purple grade. It could even threaten level-nine lifeforms. This beast sensed it. One of the four heads opened its mouth and spat out a stone that was wrapped in flames.

Many humans were shocked. Although this beast’s head and mouth were huge, the flame-wrapped stone was even larger. How did it spit that?

Moreover, those weren’t ordinary flames; the flames were green!

Extreme Cold Suppression smashed the flame rock and gave out a loud explosion. A giant energy current surged in all directions, and with it were small pieces of stone.

Those stones fired in all directions. Be it the walls or the ground, many lifeforms were killed. Rows of humans and mutated lifeforms fell.

Moreover, the people who were hit started to burn with the green flames. Seconds later, their bodies were turned into ash.

Some pieces of stone hit Yellow Ball and that monster. The former had beast tools to block. Although it dealt some damage, it wasn’t serious. The energy wave tilted its body slightly. Xia Bai and Ye Zhongming, who should have fallen onto its back, ended up brushing past and falling.

Yellow Ball couldn’t let its master land in the dense zombie horde. It ignored everything, opening its mouth to bite the scythe it could barely reach.

But it was the head o

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