Chapter 904- Dangerous situation
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 904- Dangerous situation

At this moment, many people knew why those mutated lifeforms were so quiet for those few days.

It seemed like it wasn’t because they had lost motivation because the red mist had disappeared. They hadn’t given up on Cloud Peak. They wanted to… Have a full meal before leaving. They were channeling energy!

Many smart people would guess that the mutated lifeform might actually retreat if Ye Zhongming didn’t bring those support troops. After all, there weren’t that many people, and there wasn’t enough food for them.

But Cloud Peak sent reinforcements.

The entire Cloud Peak was filled with 200 thousand people. The scent they gave off sent the mutated lifeforms mad.

If they broke into the city, they could have a full meal!

These mutated lifeforms rarely had a chance to see so many human evolved gathered together.

The special thing was that the average human evolution level was similar to theirs and was slightly higher. As food, apart from being delicious, they were nutritious. These mutated lifeforms wouldn’t let this chance go.

The longer they gathered, the more attacks they launched. These mutated lifeforms became calmer and craved more food.

They could have their biggest feast since the apocalypse started as long as they took it down. Many lifeforms might evolve and reach higher levels because of that.

The highest mutated lifeform level was level eight. These were rare in the millions or tens of millions of mutated lifeforms. They were at the edge of the highest evolution level. So it was impossible that the mutated lifeforms didn’t crave reaching that level.

Ye Zhongming knew about those thoughts. Once a mutated lifeform reached level nine, it would rule an area and form its own territory.

Why did humans give these level-nine lifeforms names? Apart from their strength, it made it convenient to identify them.

For example, Yangos’s territory. It was better than calling it the level nine Western Dragon.

A territory was not as simple as having a fixed home. It would have the right to kill and rob lifeforms i

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