Chapter 903.5- Mutated army's final attack (2)
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 903.5- Mutated army's final attack (2)

As it screamed, 50-strength-type zombies stood up. Each one of them held an agility-type zombie. They tossed these little ones toward Yellow Ball.

This wasn’t it. In another direction, thousands of zombies in various forms showed off their might. These zombies all had a unique point: They had wings!

At the same time, the empty region in the middle, formed by the humans’ attacks, had close to ten thousand similar-type zombies!

These zombies were around two meters long and very muscular. Their skin looked soft, unlike the thin or thick armor that other zombies evolved. It was obvious that they didn’t have too high a defense. Moreover, although their legs had degenerated, their upper body was very developed.

The most eye-catching thing was their giant stomachs. Even pregnant ladies who were about to give birth didn’t have such big tummies.

It was rare for so many zombies of the same type to be gathered together.

If Ye Zhongming had woken up and seen these mutated lifeforms, he would have known they were Cannon Zombies!

A mutated zombie that spat a special liquid that they accumulated in their bodies.

They were one of the few ranged zombies.

The liquid that these cannon zombies spat was amazing. Firstly, they were very powerful. When fired, they would give out a banging sound, which is why they got their names. The impact of the liquid balls was also very strong, and they could kill.

The liquids themselves were very corrosive. After exposure to the air, they would undergo some chemical reaction, so they weren’t easily extinguished.

If they had talent skills when they evolved, it would be shown in terms of the liquid, causing the liquid to have all sorts of abilities. Apart from strength, burn, corrosiveness, they might even have explosions, toxins, weakness, etc.

They were lined up orderly, and all lay on the ground. They aimed their mouths at Yellow Ball and the walls. After taking deep breaths, the first row spat various colored fist-sized balls.

Then the second, the third…

When all the Cannon Zombies f

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