Chapter 903- Mutated army's final attack
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 903- Mutated army's final attack

Ye Zhongming fainted because he used up all of his mental energy.

Even if Ah Tao and the three-legged man told him how to create and use the soul artifact, he understood too little. Moreover, the former’s understanding of soul artifacts was very low. His peak item had just reached the intermediate stage. Although the three-legged man’s mental energy talent was extraordinary, it was because of his race.

In other words, the three-legged man’s mental energy was strong, and he could know so much because he lived a long time. But he was not good at crafting soul artifacts.

Right, knowing and being good at something were two different things. With his ability, he probably wouldn’t use it in the Blue Secret Realm if he got free. That thing might not be stronger than his current attack.

So Ye Zhongming had no idea if the Basic Smith Heart, etc. Smith skills would affect his creation of a level nine soul artifact. Anyways, he succeeded, and he added 15 marks.

The three-legged man knew it was amazing but didn’t expect it to be this amazing.

All these elements combined meant that when Ye Zhongming used the Soul Shattering Staff, he created a hundreds-meter-long death corridor. It killed level seven lifeforms and badly injured the level eight lifeform. As a result, he used all of his mental energy and went unconscious.

How high was Ye Zhongming’s overall mental energy? It wasn’t surprising that the damage was so high after he had consumed all of his mental energy.

Of course, it was because things were too sudden. Ye Zhongming just wanted to do a powerful strike, but he didn’t consider it. Or rather, he did consider, but he didn’t expect to need so much mental energy to activate all 15 marks.

But he fainted. This was tough for Xia Bai, Hong Xiang, Red Hair, and others. The zombie army was stunned, but they were nearly able to make use of it to return to Cloud Peak. But, they were nearly able to.

Two people, a zombie and a dog, were in their strongest states.

Hong Xiang held two weapons: a silver blade and a pair of s

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