Chapter 902- War whirlpool
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 902- War whirlpool

The team’s atmosphere was very depressed.

Thousands of people were being forced to walk. If they resisted, they would be beaten up and even killed.

A woman walked in the front. Her face was ice cold. This was Cloud Peak’s second in command, Xia Lei.

The closer she got to Cloud Peak, the colder she felt. Even Park Xiuying didn’t dare to speak to her.

But although they were silent, they felt slightly better. They got the news that Cloud Peak had held on.

Now, they were very close to Ying City. Moreover, there was new news from Cloud Peak.

A person appeared in the team and ran to Xia Lei’s side. He passed her a note and then ran back into the wilderness. Quickly, no one could see traces of him.

Cloud Peak knew that he was a member of Chameleon. His combat strength might not be high, but he had mysterious job and abilities.

Xia Lei opened the note, and she lit up. The warriors sensed the thick, vengeful intent from her body.

“Show everyone this!”

Xia Lei told someone to read the contents of the note to everyone. The moment the Cloud Peak warriors heard it, they exploded!

Boss was back in Cloud Peak! He brought many warriors, but Cloud Peak was still being attacked!

Cloud Peak launched an attack not long ago, splitting into two battlefields. The battle is really intense.

The news caused Cloud Peak warriors’ blood to boil!

But very quickly, the final piece of information was a guess. Even Chameleon members couldn’t enter the center of the battle, so this was the intel member’s own judgment of the situation.

The deduction was split into two parts. The first was that although Cloud Peak launched a counterattack, the difference in numbers was huge, and they would still be at a disadvantage.

This meant that he didn’t think too well about the outcome. Although this was just the intel member's analysis, it meant they weren’t too optimistic. Causing their excitement to lessen a little.

But the next part of the information lit them up.

“After Boss killed their strongest zombie, it was as if he was badly injured

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