Chapter 901- Fainted
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 901- Fainted

Black Cell.

This was the name that people in his last life gave this level-eight mutated zombie because it looked very similar to a famous anime, just that the zombie’s armor was black.

This zombie was a killing machine. It was very agile and powerful. It had sharp nails and there were diamond-shaped edges at its joints. Its thick tail and sharp tail tip terrified people. These gave him a variety of taps. Moreover, as it had thick armor, its defense was very strong, too.

Apart from that, its talent skills were amazing too. It had all sorts of attacks.

The only weakness was that it wasn’t quick. When humans bump into it, it might have a chance to escape.

Black Cell was different from the Pink Ball from God Hall. This was a real self-evolved body.

If one was the same level as it, it was quite difficult for a human evolved to defeat the Black Cell.

Even if Ye Zhongming had become a seven-star evolved, and his equipment and skills far exceeded this level, he would probably only be able to escape.

This fellow was only slightly weaker than the Chain Prisoner.

Before this, Ye Zhongming didn’t think about killing this fellow.

If humans wanted to kill level eight lifeforms at this current stage, they would have to be really lucky. As before, when they killed the level eight zombie ape, they had to use the area. Before it got close, they had to use all their attacks on it!

They could only do so because Cloud Peak’s attacks, demon crystal weapons, and various defense equipment were the best of the human race!

Even then, they still had to focus fire on the level eight zombie ape, which resulted in other parts of the wall being broken. They paid a heavy price and sacrificed thousands in that battle. Over a quarter of the city's defense equipment was destroyed in that battle, too.

They were in an intense situation, and Ye Zhongming used the Soul Shattering Staff almost instinctively. The warriors on the walls who saw it were stunned.

That pillar of light covered a few hundred meters of distance and even hit Cloud P

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