Chapter 906- Knocking down
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 906- Knocking down

That was a black ball of… Souls?

The humans who saw it could only understand it as that.

Because you couldn’t describe what that black ball was. It wasn’t gas because it looked sticky. It wasn’t liquid as there wasn’t a liquid-feel. It was not solid as that thing was moving.

People felt like they were souls because it was moving in the sky, and its shape changed. They were like souls trapped in hell and were trying their best to escape.

The more it was like that, the more terrified people were.

Xia Bai had tilted her head, but time wasn’t enough. That thing was about to hit Yellow Ball.

Although she didn’t know what it would do, which level eight’s skill wasn’t strong? If Yellow Ball were hit, even if it didn’t die, it would definitely fall from the sky.

Many humans tried to attack that ball, but they failed to do anything because of the distance and their accuracy.

Seeing that what they least wanted to see would happen, suddenly, brown spikes appeared in front of Yellow Ball to form a fence that blocked that black ball.

The vines were from Red Hair. She was standing below. The vines around her hands and body shot toward the sky to block that attack.

Red Hair still hadn’t recovered. Although Ye Zhongming used Saint Water to bathe her, maybe because the zombie’s body was different from humans, the Saint Water wasn’t too useful and could only heal her a little.

Red Hair was included in this elite squad; besides her demon crystal and stammering speaking ability, she was no different from humans. She had sharp senses at this level and could use pretty much her level-eight strength.

But even then, it was usually impossible for her to appear in the crucial position at such a moment. However, she managed to do it. This meant she had been paying attention to the situation in the sky, which was why she could help Yellow Ball block it.

But the level eight lifeform’s third attack wasn’t so simple. The ball cracked, and black matter flowed down the vines, instantly entering Red Hair’s body.

Red Hair, who wouldn’t

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