Chapter 883- Green Flower
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 883- Green Flower

When Cloud Peak fought to the death, those defending had one thought. Where did their allies doing the Flame Tiger Operation go? Why weren’t they anywhere to be seen?

Did they fail? It was understandable if things happened to one team, but all three areas?

Or were they already back but were blocked from entering? But they didn’t hear any fighting sounds outside?

Or were they abandoned?

Such thoughts appeared in many of their hearts. Especially those from Ying City. Many of them regretted coming for Cloud Peak’s highest reward. They felt like this was a trip to hell.

There was one more point. All the humans were thinking about one question: where was Ye Zhongming? This Cloud Peak leader wouldn’t abandon this home. Liu Zhenghong and Le Dayuan were here, so would he abandon these two trump cards?

This was their last bit of hope.

“Get the vanguard squad over and aim all cannons at that big fellow! We must kill it before it gets close to the walls!” Liu Zhenghong ordered. At the same time, she gathered all the micro crystal bullets. When that level eight Zombie Ape got into range, they would kill it first.

Everyone on the walls moved. The appearance of a level eight monster meant that they had to rearrange their defensive strength.

At this time, a drone flew from the back of the mountain. The sentries noticed it. They wanted to knock it down before they could tell that it was a friend or foe. But the owner reduced the height and speed and descended on the cliff.

A sentry walked over carefully. He observed and saw that it wasn’t dangerous. He walked over and took something from the drone.

It was a letter without any name or seal.

That sentry ran back with the letter and handed it to the captain. He opened it, and his expression changed. He told the people to guard this place before running toward Liu Zhenghong.

Two minutes later, Liu Zhenghong got the letter. When she saw the contents, her expression didn’t change.

“Apart from you, who else read the letter?”

Liu Zhenghong stared at the captain and asked.

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