Chapter 884- Colorful Buddha
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 884- Colorful Buddha

“Colorful Buddha!”

Green Flower spat out two words as if she was bragging. The light behind her flashed, and Little Tiger was dazzled, and he lost his sight.

He didn’t panic. He retreated and used triple blade at close range.

A year had passed and evolved were experienced. They wouldn’t face a situation when their bodies couldn’t keep up with their brains.

But before his vision recovered, he felt a scorching feeling behind him.

He was shocked, and his body reacted. His legs used strength to spin himself. At the same time, his blade slashed. Not only did it protect himself, but it could also threaten the enemy.

Green Flower laughed. The daggers hit his weapon and gave out a clang. But in the next second, Little Tiger felt a stabbing pain around his neck. He turned his head and jumped backward.

At this point, his vision had recovered. Little Tiger looked at the smiling Green Flower and felt blood flowing down his neck.

One strike!

“Not bad; you can actually dodge my attack.” Green Flower was beautiful, and she was a bright personality, but it made one feel cold, “They always say that Cloud Peak will collapse in three days without Ye Zhongming. It might be the case last time, but now all of you are strong…”

“So, die early.”

Green Flower’s daggers rose into the sky. The fingernails on her hands became harder and formed sharp claws. The light circle behind her landed on the ground and wrapped around her legs.

“People thought that I was useless after my mask was stolen; even those from Soul Merchant thought so. Demon Gold and I were like abandoned children, and no one cared about us.”

She was vicious; it was as if she was venting all her hatred for Little Tiger.

“But things are unexpected. Who knew that I would get this job?” She continued, “First Buddha-- Buta Buddha!”

Green Flower suddenly charged at Little Tiger. She was so quick that he couldn’t pick her movement up. The two daggers started to spin. No one suspected that when needed, they would stab into Little Tiger’s body.

“You talk a lot!”


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