Chapter 885- One moment
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 885- One moment

Little TIger had experienced numerous life-or-death situations. He even challenged a level seven lifeform in the Ocean King Wheel challenge.

Of course, Ye Zhongming was beside him then and gave him good equipment and recommendations. But it was also a show of his strength.

At the crucial moment, the silver Thousand Leaf Phosphor Armor shattered.

If he wanted to maintain the situation, he wouldn’t do it. Exploding his own armor was something that left him with no way out. In such a battle, lacking such a key piece of equipment would affect the outcome.

But this had to do with Ye Zhongming’s personality. With his influence, Cloud Peak members only thought about winning. They wouldn’t care about what happened next and only thought about what they had to do to win.

As long as they could win, Cloud Peak members would choose to gamble.

Little Tiger was one of the first few subordinates of Ye Zhongming and was deeply influenced. Apart from Xia Bai, he was probably the most crazy one.

Thus, he activated Thousand Leaf Phosphor Armor’s Leaves Fly skill to turn the defensive equipment into a piece of attacking equipment.

The silver armor pieces shot in all directions, with him as the center. Green Flower was hit instantly, and many metal pieces hit her. At the start, the silver female armor on her could block, but in a breath, some armor pieces shot into her body.

The ex-Soul Merchant Saint spat out blood and retreated.

Little Tiger’s eyes showed a sharp flash, and he raised his blade.

“You aren’t the only person that improved!” Little Tiger shouted. This attack had a thick blood color along with the glow of the weapon’s ability.

Little Tiger used his second job skill-- Blood Slash!

Xia Lei and Little Tiger returned to Cloud Peak with Ye Zhongming’s gains from the center city and Linhai City. Some got a six-star potion, and those members who didn’t get the evolution potion received other compensation. Little Tiger’s compensation was a job upgrade scroll.

Everyone knew how precious this scroll was. Even Ye Zhongm

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