Chapter 882- Zombie Ape attacking the city
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 882- Zombie Ape attacking the city

“The density is reducing, but it will probably take half a month to dissipate.”

Le Dayuan looked at the sky and was worried.

Cloud Peak had been attacked for many days. Le Dayuan wasn’t sure exactly how many days it was because each day was tough. Everyone was either fighting or crafting, so they forgot about the days.

Some low-level tech and logistics members were used to create crystal weapons. But even then, they couldn’t keep up with the consumption rate.

If they lost the weapon advantage, the casualties would increase.

Death became the most common thing.

Cloud Peak, along with the survivors, had roughly 30 thousand people. Among them, Ying City and the factions around made up 20 thousand. During these few days of battle, more people entered from outside, but there weren’t many of them. Recently, there weren’t any helpers, and Cloud Peak was a lone island.

Even with these people, the overall number was over thirty thousand.

But how many died?

No one knew, but as they looked at the crowd getting smaller, they knew that at least ten thousand had died.

To be honest, if not for Cloud Peak being surrounded, these survivors would have collapsed. If they were against humans, they would have surrendered.

But they were facing crazy mutated lifeforms. If they fought to the death, they might have some hope. If they surrendered, they would die.

But the morale was low.

Le Dayuan’s ears twitched. He looked in a direction, and it was Cloud Peak’s west wall. Two days ago, a ten-meter-tall monster crushed a portion of the wall. Everyone worked to kill that monster and temporarily filled that wall. But it wasn’t firm, and the mutated lifeforms focused their attacks on it for the last two days.

There were a few rumbling sounds that didn’t come from Cloud Peak’s weapons. Le Dayuan guessed that some monster was there.

“Ah Gui!”

“Uncle Gui!”

The few of them held someone who was about to fall. Le Dayuan looked and saw that his helper, Ah Gui, was in shock. Red liquid flowed from his eyes.

Ah Gui and the others didn’

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