Chapter 881- Payment for doing work
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 881- Payment for doing work

The three-legged man didn't tell the truth in some areas.

Ye Zhongming didn’t notice many suspicious points, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t any distrust.

The three-legged person said that what he saw was of his ancestor and that he was a descendant.

But this fellow forgot one fact. Which was that in the final part of what he saw, that three-legged person expert placed his kid into a crack that the Secret Realm Key… There was only one kid!

Ye Zhongming didn’t know what that expert was thinking. He probably didn’t know what the key was, so he placed a kid who hadn’t grown up in that world.

Ye Zhongming didn’t ask how that kid survived, but it should have some ability to keep it alive and even help it grow. After all, Ye Zhongming didn’t know how strong that three-legged expert was.

But he was still alone!

Ye Zhongming could understand how he lived, but how did he reproduce? Marry Posthumous people? But why did your descendants look the same as the ancestor? If they marry down the generations, you should have some mother genes. Even if your genes were strong, you couldn’t have no mark of the other party, right?

Anyways, Ye Zhongming didn’t believe it.

Since that was the case, how did the three-legged man’s ancestors reproduce? They were hermaphrodites?

If Ye Zhongming’s guess was correct, he should be the son of that expert!

But Ye Zhongming couldn’t guess why he lied and what his goal for lying was.

Of course, there was another possibility, which was that those scenes were fake, which proved that his intentions were huge.

No matter what it was and what he hid from Ye Zhongming, it was fake that he was behaving so close and warmly to Ye Zhongming.

Ye Zhongming even wondered if that person’s goal would hurt him. If not, why would he hide it from him?

Ye Zhongming planned to follow the agreement temporarily, but he would be wary of this fellow in the future.

When I was level nine?

Ye Zhongming smiled. At that time, he wasn’t a chess piece that others could control!

He exited the saint pool, and the

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