Chapter 874- World, Space
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 874- World, Space

Saint Pool was the Posthumous people’s holy area. It was where their geniuses were bathed and where elites were nurtured.

This was similar to Jersuelum or Macca and had a spiritual significance. The Saint Pool was even more revered here.

Just look at the supernatural statuses that the protector had, and you will know what the Saint Pool meant.

The situation created legends about the Saint Pool; the protector’s position amongst the Posthumous people was high, too.

Moreover, these things were more mysterious in martial technique societies than on earth. The protector was passed down for generations; only they knew many things. Even the kings and their tribes had no idea.

One of the secrets that the protectors spread down that could decide the prosperity of their people was… The life under the pool!

As such, things were spread by mouth, so descriptions of this matter would differ between generations, as what people spread might include their own thoughts and guesses. When it reached this generation, the lifeform under the pool was someone they couldn’t offend. This lifeform was the reason why the Saint Pool didn’t dry up.

Usually, the protector wouldn’t even touch the door that heads down to beneath the pool. He couldn't keep calm now that Ye Zhongming said the secret that only he knew about.

The body of this level eight expert started to tremble, and his thoughts became a mess.

Seeing how Ye Zhongming’s simple sentence caused their respected protector to react in such a way, the four kings were shocked.

There was someone beneath the pool? Why didn’t they know? He called Ye Zhongming to meet him. Why didn’t he meet them?

Many questions meant that the few kings couldn’t keep calm either. Thoughts about treasures and legacies appeared in their minds. Did Ye Zhongming get a treasure map? He came here for the treasure and would leave after? He would end up leaving with the Posthumous people’s treasure?

Even Hong Xiang didn’t know about this, much less the other kings.

“You, how…”

“The old man doesn’t know wh

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