Chapter 873.5- Guy beneath the Saint Pool (2)
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 873.5- Guy beneath the Saint Pool (2)

Ye Zhongming’s face sank, but he was delighted deep down. This king was really smart and even dug a hole for himself.

“Of course not. I can provide those weapons to your people. I think Neal has seen how strong these pieces of equipment are.”

Neal nodded. Although he was unhappy that Ye Zhongming and Hong Xiang killed Flame Dove, he did enjoy his previous cooperation with Ye Zhongming.

“There are even stronger weapons. Hong Xiang can testify to that.”

Ye Zhongming looked toward Hong Xiang again.

Hong Xiang nodded, “I can testify. If you don’t believe me, these weapons are also in Ye Zhongming’s team. You can take a look.”

This king added, “They make use of demon crystals.”

Demon crystals… The few kings didn’t speak. They had heard about this matter.

“One more important thing. I want to ask, how many warriors do the Posthumous people have?”

Everyone, including Hong Xiang, was surprised and didn’t know why Ye Zhongming had asked that.

The kings themselves didn’t know. Each day, that number was changing. Some would die, and some would grow, so they had no clear picture. Especially since winter was over, they didn’t know how many warriors had died, so how could they have an exact number?

“Let me ask another question. How many warriors are there in the Imperial City?”

The few kings hesitated. They knew this answer, but it was a secret.

“There are over a million in the Imperial City; over 300 thousand of them could fight!”

Hong Xiang was on Ye Zhongming’s side, and he answered.

“Did you remove the warriors the two kings brought with them?”

Hong Xiang’s face turned red, “Then there are 250 thousand.”

The other kings didn’t react but knew that Hong Xiang had overestimated the number.

Due to the safety of the Imperial City, the tribes here weren’t as young as those outside, where half of the tribes there could fight.

The families and tribes of the various kings lived here, and the ratio of warriors to people wasn’t a third. In truth, at most, there were 250 thousand that could fight. The departure of Blac

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