Chapter 862- Clearing them out
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 862- Clearing them out

“Capture him alive?”

Hong Xiang frowned when he heard that.

He might agree with Flame Dove’s idea if it was during other times. Previously, when Ye Zhongming came to the Imperial City, he firmly opposed Ye Zhongming.

But what was happening now? Their race was about to be wiped out, and the only person that could help them was him. You didn’t want to treat him nicely and wanted to capture him?

Hong Xiang looked at Flame Dove, who had a good reputation and was even one of the more famous three level-eight kings and decided to reason with him.

“King Flame Dove, let’s not talk about whether or not we could capture him. Even if we did, what is the point? Can he help us defend against the Saint Light Hall? Or can he save us from being wiped?” Hong Xiang had never felt so righteous, and his face turned red, “You might not have seen the army they are attacking with. Do you know that one small replenishment camp has three thousand people? Each squad has around four to five hundred people!”

He looked at the kings and tribe leaders in the room, and his voice got louder, “This means that many armies have invaded our land! They might have even gone all out!”

“Why would they go all out? They want to wipe us out!”

Hong Xiang’s words caused many people’s expressions to turn white. They knew about the Light Saint Hall’s invasion but didn’t know the scale. They felt like it was the same as last time, and after robbing their land of resources, they would leave.

“Hong Xiang, don’t make it sound so dangerous. They have invaded us so many times, which can even be traced far back in our history. We were defeated every single time, and they had a chance to occupy our territory each time. But why didn’t they do it? Even someone like you who just reached level eight should know. Since they didn’t, the situation hasn’t changed, so why will they wipe us out? Do you think our Imperial City is so easily broken?”

Flame Dove was an old king, and his words were powerful. He opposed Hong Xiang and even mocked him for just reaching level e

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