Chapter 863- Filling the gaps
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 863- Filling the gaps

“Clear them out?”

Hong Xiang’s mouth was about to open wide. He had considered many solutions, like crafting equipment to bribe the other king tribes or leaving and only returning when the Light Saint Hall really attacked. He even considered how Ye Zhongming would join Light Saint Hall out of anger.

But he didn’t expect this young man to talk about… Clearing them out.

You want to… Clear out a king? A level eight king?

Hong Xiang felt dizzy.

Although he was level eight and was captured by Ye Zhongming in one move, he often thought about it and felt that he was careless. He might not be much weaker than Ye Zhongming.

Of course, he couldn’t deny that the young man had the right to speak to him. His subordinates were also shockingly strong.

But Flame Dove was different.

This was Blue Secret Realm. When people broke through here, their strength would reach a new grade. But people within a grade were very different.

Such things were similar to Earth, but it wasn't that obvious as the apocalypse had just started. As the apocalypse continued, people of the same evolution level would have different strengths because of different equipment, jobs, and experience.

Hong Xiang and Flame Dove were both level eight kings, but Flame Dove broke through ages ago. His skills were well-developed, and he was very familiar with his battle techniques. The intensity of his skills was stronger than that of Hong Xiang. Hong Xiang was not confident that he would survive under his hands for a long time.

Only the protector of the Saint Pool could suppress him in the entire Posthumous people Imperial City. Even the two other level eight kings were weaker than Flame Dove.

Hong Xiang thought about many possibilities but didn’t expect him to think about killing!

He was impressed with his determination but was also more fearful and wondered what would happen if he stopped him…

“Do you not agree with that?”

Ye Zhongming giggled and squinted his eyes.

Ye Zhongming wanted to kill.

If it were in usual times, he wouldn’t think about doin

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