Chapter 864- Combo Warrior
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 864- Combo Warrior

Hong Xiang naturally wouldn’t be baited to kill a king after just a few sentences from Ye Zhongming. After all, in ancient times, this would be similar to killing a ruler.

But he acted like Ye Zhongming persuaded him. Actually, this was his intention, too.

If he succeeded, Hong Xiang would benefit directly. His rankings would rise.

He was a level seven king in the past and was the lowest-ranked of the seven kings. Naturally, he received the fewest resources.

Now that he got to level eight, his position rose. He was ranked fourth and gained much more. He had already tasted the benefits of his rank.

If Flame Dove died, his position would shift by at least one. If that king that left didn’t return, he would rank up twice and would be second. How much resources would he get then?

There would be many benefits. For example, once Flame Dove dies, his tribe will scatter, and he will be able to recruit warriors, which would strengthen his tribe.

For example, although Posthumous people had their system, it was still a place where the strongest ruled. If he could kill Flame Dove, even if he relied on someone else, others would fear him. His power in the Imperial City would increase, and he could benefit more.

For example, if Flame Dove were killed, the cooperation with Ye Zhongming wouldn’t be stopped. With his relationship with Ye Zhongming, he would get benefits sooner. Moreover, if they stopped Saint Light Hall, he might really be regarded as a huge contributor, and his name would be carved on the saint pool. He would be regarded on the same level as those level nine kings!


Suddenly, he thought about many benefits, which was why he agreed.

The two of them looked at each other and smiled. This win-win situation was agreed.

They left their most loyal subordinates and told the others to head out to patrol. They started a secret discussion.


The killing shouts became more and more intense, but they didn’t have the ability to deal with them. He ignored the deaths of his subordin

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