Chapter 861- flame of war
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 861- flame of war

Flames burnt the wood and gave out a sizzling sound. The entire Glory Army's sixth army camp was in chaos.

The zombie horde's attack was too sudden for the camp, with over five thousand evolved.

A year had passed since the start of the apocalypse, and even the smallest factions had sentries—much less the Glory Army, which was half military-managed.

They didn’t understand why these zombies would suddenly enter the camp. Moreover, there were so many of them.

What people didn’t understand was that these zombies… Had really high levels.

At least now, there seemed to be no below level four.

Why was there such a terrifying zombie horde? This didn’t fit the current evolved evolution pyramid structure.

But this terrifying horde was here.

Strictly speaking, the sneak attack was just the rough meaning. For example, people didn’t notice them when they were far away. But once they charged, the evolved naturally spotted them.

The difference was that they didn’t have much time to prepare.

But when they faced a horde with as many people as them, this timing difference was similar to a sneak attack. They charged into their camp aggressively.

“The Sixth and seventh teams go to move the things from the warehouse. The first and third teams block them! The fourth and fifth strike from the sides and scatter these dirty things! The eighth team scouts the back and sends the signal if it is safe. The moment they send the signal, all teams retreat. Do you hear me?”

The officer instructed his eight team leaders, “I know this is a little weird, but we don’t have time to investigate. If the situation goes bad, gather at our predetermined spot. Whoever doesn’t reach by 5 pm tomorrow, including myself, will be abandoned. Do you hear me!”

“Yes.” The few leaders replied.

“Okay then, be careful. Let’s get to work.”

These people ran back to their teams.

“Old Li, we…”

Yu Zaike stopped after saying that. He turned and looked towards a dark corner.

Two pairs of eyes were looking at him.

If they felt the flames in the camp were set b

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