Chapter 860- Capturing alive
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 860- Capturing alive

Even if he had come here before, he was still shocked when he returned.

Maybe the Posthumous people were backward. They still followed their system. Perhaps it was because of their leadership, who didn’t advance with the times. Or perhaps it was because Saint Light Hall attacked them. Those who lived in the city still lived their dreams and cared more about money.

But this city, which took many years to build, still showed how majestic a civilization was.

Some thoughts appeared in his mind. Even if he came, could he change their ending? Would this Imperial City be like those dynasties on Earth, turning into rubble as their civilization and system were wiped out, turning into things in history books and being evaluated by people in the future? One could only look back at them with regret and sadness.

“Zhongming, wait here. I will head back to discuss this with them. Don’t worry. Although I can’t promise you anything, there is hope. Don’t be anxious.”

Hong Xiang knew that Ye Zhongming wouldn’t enter even if he asked. Although both sides could work together, they had to be wary of one another. Setting up camp outside was the best choice.

He really wanted to work with Ye Zhongming now. He had witnessed Ye Zhongming and his men’s strength. If Posthumous people and Saint Light Hall were two different civilizations, then Ye Zhongming and his world differed from Saint Light Hall.

In such a race survival battle, Hong Xiang recognized that Ye Zhongming was the hope of the Posthumous people.

Ye Zhongming saw Hong Xiang leave and could only wait while crafting equipment.

Many guards appeared on the city walls, and they watched nervously.

There were too many people.

Hong Xiang entered the Imperial City meeting hall. He had informed the Kings to gather inside.

The moment he entered, he saw many people. He glanced at them, and his expression wasn’t good.

There were seven kings, six excluding him, but there were only four here.

“Where is King Black Wall and King Simu?”

Hong Xiang used his power to call for this comb

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