Chapter 838- Chain Tank
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 838- Chain Tank

The monster’s body and head were different. Its mouth and eyes were at its head, and it was relatively weaker. As for its body, its back and stomach were both covered in thick shells. Cloud Peak’s warriors were a level weaker, and their attacks couldn’t break it. Even the crystal weapons couldn’t do anything to the shell.

After all, crystal guns weren’t cannons.

But Ye Zhongming had left a wound, so their attacks didn’t have to break its defense. They entered its body and attacked its organs.

The monster couldn’t handle such pain. Its body twisted, and it sent Ye Zhongming flying.

The others attacked. Although they dared not get close, they could use ranged attacks.

The monster was hit from all directions.

If this were on Earth, a level seven mutated lifeform would have already died. But monsters in the Secret Realm had taught them a lesson. It told them what vitality was.

This monster not only didn’t die, but it became much fiercer. Its body lay on the ground and shriveled up. Its tail protected its head. Those sharp claws started to move, and the bone blades stuck out.

It started to spin, the speed at which increased as it moved towards the group.

Their expressions changed.

They really thought the battle was over. But who knew that not only did it not end, but this badly injured monster also launched its sharp attacks.

This monster was spinning like a spinning top. Anyone who touched it would be shredded.

The team started to retreat, but it was not as fast as the monster. Even if they were scattered, they couldn’t get too far apart. This monster was 50 meters long, and when it curled up, it was at least 16-16 meters, and it wasn’t so easy to dodge.

If Ye Zhongming was here, it would still be okay. He could spend energy using Earth Tremble to stop the monster from getting close or Jumping Gravity to reduce its speed. He could even use Staff of Nature to defend. All of these could resolve this attack.

But Ye Zhongming was flung aside and still hadn’t landed.

The humans on the ground were in extreme d

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