Chapter 837- First battle in Secret Realm
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 837- First battle in Secret Realm

Although the evolved lifeforms and the green-skinned monsters outside were both called demon monsters, the variety and number of demon monsters here were much greater.

Ye Zhongming didn’t know what type it was, but the purple crystal told everyone it was a level-seven mutated lifeform.

“Be careful!”

Ye Zhongming shouted before moving towards the monster.

The demon monsters in Blue Secret Realm differed from evolved lifeforms on Earth. They had lived here for a long time. They inherited not only their genes but also their battle techniques and experience. Even their intellects were above those of demon monsters on Earth.

This level-seven earthworm-like creature was close to a level-eight lifeform on Earth. It could battle other level eight lifeforms even if it was much weaker than the Chain Prisoner.

Most of the team had dropped by a level and were much weaker. Ye Zhongming had to help defend them as they came to their senses.

Many of them started to retreat, but some stood rooted in the spot.

Some were from Cloud Peak. Apart from when Ye Zhongming gave them clear orders, they wouldn’t retreat in battle. Some were from Ying City, and some were under Guang Yao. They were evolved and had their pride. They still wanted to try even if they faced a level seven lifeform.

As Ye Zhongming headed forward, both sides drew close. The monster’s body had appeared from the ground. When the others looked, it was over 50 meters wide—no smaller than a four-lane highway. It had a black shell. Even if the Secret Realm was dark, it still reflected a metallic glow, and with just one look, one knew that it was tough.

The terrifying thing was that there were pairs of claws on its body. Many meter-long bone blades stretched out where the claws and the body intersected.

If these things hit you, you would probably get sliced into two.

At the same time, although this monster’s head and body were connected, it looked as if its body had four eyes and one mouth. But the mouth, which was pretty much the body's width, was covered in sh

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