Chapter 836- Bad start
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 836- Bad start

The cold wind blew every human’s face, and everyone was wary. They also looked around at the foreign environment curiously.

Ye Zhongming used the Blue Secret Realm’s key.

He led Cloud Peak, Ying City Alliance, Guang Yao’s forces, and those willing to follow him into the Secret Realm.

Although the retreat process wasn’t smooth, as more people entered, the defenses weakened. Ye Zhongming had to use Earth Trembling to stop the demon monsters from attacking. Using that chance, he sent the Exquisite Floating Ball in the Secret Realm and entered.

He kept the key and looked around. He had to confirm his position. Ye Zhongming hated that he landed in different places each time he used the key.

“This is the Secret Realm?”

Zhao Xingmei looked around curiously. Especially the sky that looked like it was torn apart, that enchanted her.

It was a lacking beauty that couldn’t be described.

More than 400 were from Cloud Peak, 800 from Ying City Alliance, and 900 from Guang Yao’s forces. There were 300 others. Altogether, there were around 2500 of them.

Counting the time, the winter was about to end. Ye Zhongming promised the Posthumous people that he would help them against the King City. Now, he was back, but he didn’t know his exact location.

It had been a few months, and he had been missing this place.

Strictly speaking, Ye Zhongming and Cloud Peak’s most crucial strength increase occurred after he entered the Secret Realm. He obtained huge amounts of demon crystals, which gave him many potions. Cloud Peak was able to take a step forward and open the gap with other factions, jumping into a large faction.

Now, Cloud Peak had the outlines of a super faction.

All of this began from here.

Of course, there was a woman that Ye Zhongming thought about.

“Ah, I, I…”

A person exclaimed and looked at his own hands. He clenched and released, but fear appeared on his face.

“Don’t be afraid; your strength will be affected here. As compared to Earth, your evolution level would drop by one.”

Ye Zhongming looked at this person

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