Chapter 1083.5- Country top ten (2)
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1083.5- Country top ten (2) (Teaser)

This didn’t mean that he accepted their ranking. Five Ring Money definitely didn’t know about Chameleon. Although this team was new, Ye Zhongming invested a huge amount. They grew quickly and were a fifth of Cloud Peak’s strength. If you add them, would Cloud Peak still be at this rank?

Also, Ye Zhongming didn’t know if Five Ring Money knew about the Posthumous people. Did they consider them?

If not, then naturally, his rankings would shift. If they did, they either felt that Cloud Peak was worth that rank with the Posthumous people, or they didn’t think Cloud Peak and Posthumous people’s alliance would last long.

Ye Zhongming didn’t know the exact region.

Also, Five Ring Money didn’t know the Death King Tree was in Cloud Peak and didn’t know about the Gate of Sacrifice. They didn’t know how far their crystal weapon and gene research reached. Didn’t know about the Star Elf. Yangos… Etc.

They didn’t know about many things, and he was happy they didn’t.

He was satisfied with that ranking. The only thing was that it revealed much about C