Chapter 1084- Top ten gatekeeper
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1084- Top ten gatekeeper (Teaser)

Ye Zhongming paid the most attention to the country's overall strength rankings as it was a good way for him to judge Cloud Peak’s strength.

He knew Five Ring Money would do some tricks, like placing Cannibal Chain and them at a lower ranking. But Ye Zhongming could evaluate the other factions.

This was very helpful in judging other things.

Like Resistance Zone. Although they suffered huge losses in that operation and, a few battle squads were about to be wiped. They even lost a seven-star evolved. But the entire resistance zone was still leading. Moreover, they weren’t dead yet and were just injured.

Of course, Ye Zhongming was satisfied with Cloud Peak’s position, but that didn’t mean he was content. He knew that Cloud Peak was lacking in many areas. The rankings reminded him that the path ahead was long and arduous.

He didn’t feel dispirited and was more pumped up.

Ye Zhongming looked forward to the heights to which he could bring Cloud Peak.

“Boss, there!”

Zhao Xiangxue whispered to him. Although she joined an organisation like Ch