Chapter 367- Reducing arrogance
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Zhan Yue Chapter 367- Reducing arrogance

Below Lin Xi's name were the words With You and at the same time, her role as Guild Leader.

Although we weren't the first guild, we weren't even in the top 20 in the entire server, but Lin Xi was still really happy. Her snow white face was filled with a smile.

"Come, all join the guild."

She recruited all of us one by one and then said, "Oh, this Guild Creation Token... Lu Li found it. He is the greatest helper, so, is everyone okay if I make him the Deputy Guild Leader?"


Light Lotus smiled, "Brother Lu Li has both character and strength, he is able to carry that title."


Lin Xi changed my position to deputy and then smiled, "I shall give the other spot to Shen Mingxuan. In the future, the internal matters of the guild will be left to her."

"En en."

Light Lantern smiled, "Shen Mingxuan is so beautiful and can, sure..."

The deputy guild leader's emblem appeared below Shen Mingxuan's ID. I glanced at my own and laughed, "I didn't expect... I am actually on the same level as you..."

I laughed, "In the future, I will serve the guild with all my heart!"

"That's right!"

Shen Mingxuan laughed and hugged Lin Xi's shoulder, "I promised Lin Xi to play this game with her. We don't ask to be the strongest but no one can bully us!"


Light Lantern gritted her teeth, "In the future, no one can bully us. Bully one of us and you bully the whole With You. We will attack them together!"

Lin Xi covered her mouth and laughed, "We sound like a cult. Okay, the rest of you, Ruyi, Light Lantern, Light Lotus, Light Frost, the four of you will be Commanders, the rest will be Captains. Commanders and Captains all have the power to recruit people. Let's start to accept people? Level 1 guild can accept 100 people so let's fill them up and then head to level up the guild!"


Everyone nodded our heads.

After which, Lin Xi spent 5000 RMB to send a system message--


System Notification (Player Lin Xi shouts): With You has been built! At this point, I represent With You to recruit members. As we are a level 1 guild so we have strict con

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