Chapter 692 - Courageous Victory
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Zhan Long Chapter 692 - Courageous Victory

Chapter 692 - Courageous Victory



My Dragon Reservoir Sword flashed as I sprinted forward. My little tiger pounced onto the rear of the Greedy Wolf Brigade. In the distance, I could see people turn around again. Around 200+ people turned around to attack. This was the cavalry’s main charge. There was no time to hesitate. I clenched my teeth and charged right into the crowd. Flashes of light exploded as my [Wall of Dou Qi] deflected their attacks. I then swung my Dragon Reservoir Sword and threw a [Seven Star Fragment Slash]+[Sword Tempest] into the crowd! 








One after another, the damage numbers exploded. Of course there was no one who could match the Dragon Reservoir Swords’ 150% [Kill for Blood] effect. My attack power had reached a terrifying point as always. Plus, I didn’t need to worry about my Rage either. I activated [Halberd Flame] and rammed into the crowd. I had entered a near invincible state. There was only one reason I was so aggressive in my approach, behind me, Li Mu, Wang Jian, One Second Hero and Old K had all rode their Steel Blade Mounts and came charging over! 


“Kill Xiao Yao Zi Zai!” 


I don’t know who shouted the order from the crowd, but a dozen knights all activated [Charge] against me. The first couple of moves that started [Charge] were too noticeable. I smiled and then kicked my Flying Scythe War Horse and gave it a command. The horse and owner’s thoughts were synced as one. It kicked its iron hooves against the soft green grass in a particular pattern. It was the most basic method of dodging, but also the most effective one. Behind me, a group of MISSes popped up in my path. [Thousand Burial]’s Greedy Wolf Raiders all missed their target. 


Yet right at that moment, one of the Greedy Wolf Raiders in the distance charged right towards me. It was a young man around 25 years old that carried a long sword covered in brambles. The ID above his head named him “Yue Yao Chen”, a level 116 Knight. He swung his sword, creating frigid stormy slashes.

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Hi all that's the end of Zhan Long. Thanks for all the support!
If you all would like a new novel, you can go check out Apocalypse Gacha!