Chapter 661 - Spring of Spirit Ruins
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Zhan Long Chapter 661 - Spring of Spirit Ruins

Chapter 661 - Spring of Spirit Ruins

Not far in the distance, Yayayaya threw a fierce glance at us. Clearly she wanted to declare battle with our main [Zhan Long] team. Six Ya had recently entered [Prague], so she probably wanted to make some contributions to her guild. There wasn’t much left to do to prove her strength other than beating up [Zhan Long]

I stood up and picked up my bag. I brought Wan Er, Qing Qian, Dong Cheng, and Darling Duck onto the stage. This was the most critical battle. If we defeated [Prague] we’ll have the chance to enter the top four. Otherwises, we’ll be stopped here in the top eight.

On the stage, I stood before the gaming set ups. I was facing away from Yan Zhao Warrior. The two teams were lined up. After pondering for a second, I decided to send Wan Er as the first to battle, while I go after her. Dong Cheng would take the rear. As for the duo, Wan Er and I would fight side by side. Once I was done setting up the formation, I retreated a step. Yan Zhao warrior had also set up his team formation. The two team formations popped up onto the screen——

1v1: Cang Tong LV 117 Hermit God VS Yayayayaya LV 115 Flame Swordsman

1v1: Xiao Yao Zi Zai LV 119 Dragon Rider VS Yan Zhao Warrior LV 117 Swordsman

1v1: Cang Yue LV 117 Mage VS Traveler LV 116 Knight

2v2: Xiao Yao Zi Zai LV 119 Dragon Rider & Cang Tong LV 117 Hermit God VS Yayayayaya LV 115 Flame Swordsman & Yan Zhao Warrior LV 117 Swordsman



After we entered into the competition room, we logged onto the game!


Our virtual players appeared within the arena. The system had teleported us directly into the arena. Yan Zhao Warrior brought Six Ya and the others into the arena as well and stood in front of us. As we waited for the countdown for the first match to finish, Wan Er raised her dagger. She quietly looked at Six Ya and said, “This Flame Swordsman won’t be that easy to deal with….”

I nodded, “Yup. Furthermore, assassins are at a bit of a disadvantage against heavy armor players. But it’s fine. You have

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Novel Notes

Hi all that's the end of Zhan Long. Thanks for all the support!
If you all would like a new novel, you can go check out Apocalypse Gacha!