Chapter 209: Ambush (1)
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"He used black magic?"

Dennis quickly jumped out from cover and ran toward the nightclub.

This ambush operation couldn't afford any mistakes.

According to the plan, the police would begin the arrest immediately after Er Gou infiltrated the nightclub, catching him in a trap.

Constantine and Da Luoshan had been informed in advance that only a double would be attending the nightclub today, not the real Constantine. Although Er Gou was familiar with Constantine, he couldn't distinguish between the real and the fake without seeing Constantine's face.

Da Luoshan saw this as an opportunity to curry favor with the Son of God, so he volunteered to act as bait and cooperated with the police to ambush Er Gou.

Dennis's job was to cover the police and ensure that Er Gou saw the bait at the right time.

However, Er Gou's urgency was unexpected to Dennis.

When it came to his daughter, this man would become impulsive and angry, completely different from his usual cautious and cunning self.

As Dennis stepped out of cover to contact the police, he suddenly felt a chill in his chest. Looking down, he saw a knife tip protruding from his chest, blood dripping out.

"I've had my suspicions about you for a long time," Er Gou said. "You're too ruthless, using my daughter as bait?"

"Cough, cough—"

Dennis coughed up blood. Er Gou covered his mouth and dragged him to the roadside, then casually threw him into a trash bin.

Er Gou had been suspicious ever since Dennis tipped him off. But when he saw Da Luoshan flamboyantly arriving with "Constantine," Er Gou was sure it was a trap.

Firstly, both Da Luoshan and Constantine were high-level citizens who would never go to such a low-end nightclub. Even if they did, they would do so discreetly, not so publicly.

Secondly, no one could possibly know that Xiao Xue was his daughter. Due to the influence of the Rule Maker, no one in this world would notice that Xiao Xue was his daughter. Only those with the Mortician's inheritance or the Son of God could break this cognitive barrier.

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