Chapter 210: Ambush (2)
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Er Gou slowly opened his eyes, glaring at Dennis with resentment.

Who would have thought that after stabbing Dennis right through, he would still be alive?

If it weren't for taking care of my daughter, I wouldn't have teleported such a short distance!

If it weren't for those cunning police officers!

If it weren't for Dennis's betrayal!

If it weren't for the damn price of the Rule Maker!

If it weren't for all these reasons...

"How could I lose..." Er Gou muttered resentfully, finally closing his eyes and passing out.

The police rushed forward, apprehending Er Gou and binding him tightly.

Dennis clutched his chest and squatted down.

"Are you alright?"

The police station chief approached, placing a hand on Dennis's shoulder.

"I'm fine, really."

Dennis nodded calmly. His zombie constitution's defense was incredibly strong; despite severe damage to his lungs and heart, he could still move freely without being affected.

Breathing is meaningless for a zombie, and a zombie's heart rate is far slower than that of normal people. Even if Dennis's heart stopped for half an hour, he could still survive.

"Your chest was pierced," the chief remarked.

"It's fine," Dennis touched his wound. "Not much blood."

The chief glanced at Dennis's wound. His blood was blackish red and flowed sluggishly, resembling thickened tomato soup, quite unlike that of ordinary people. Considering Dennis was once a modified high-level citizen, the chief wasn't surprised.

Dennis sat by the roadside, waiting for assistance.

As Er Gou was being placed into the police car, a system prompt sounded in Dennis's ear.

"Congratulations on successfully helping the police capture Er Gou."

"You played a crucial role in the arrest."

"Your storyline exploration rate has increased."

"Current plot exploration rate: 13%."

"Your talent [Zombie Physique] has leveled up. You can choose one reward from the following options:"

"1. Your stamina doubles, but your resistance to mental contamination is halved."

"2. You can recover from external injuries

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