Chapter 175 - Dekan And His Master's Entanglement With The Holy Kingdom(Long Chapter)
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There's Absolutely No Problem With The Magic Cards I Made! Chapter 175 - Dekan And His Master's Entanglement With The Holy Kingdom(Long Chapter)

Under the large tree in the backyard of the lord's mansion.

With only thin rays of sunlight filtering through the leaves, the noon sun didn't appear too strong as it shined on Dekan and Cornelia.

"Phew, done for the day."

Dekan leaned against the tree, leisurely basking in the sun.

Cornelia sat beside him.

The two of them were as relaxed and comfortable as when they used to play with cats in the school backyard.

But this time, they brought Countess Lysilina to the backyard to sunbathe with them.

They had spent quite some time here, finally using "Blood Purification" to purify the blood from Countess Lysilina's body.

It was just like when they gave therapy to Viscount Augustin, the boss of the snowy mountain mansion.

Every time Dekan used [Blood Purification] to wake Lysilina up from the pain, Cornelia would use [Blood Detective's Book] to knock her out again.

Under the sunlight, Countess Lysilina was as easy to lull to sleep as a baby.

One was responsible for anesthetizing, the other for treatment. They repeated this process dozens of times and ultimately completely purified the vampire countess.

When the blood on a vampire's body was completely exhausted, even if her recovery ability and vitality were strong, she couldn't repair the injuries on her body.

Naturally, [Blood Purification] was also a card specifically designed to deal with vampires.

Seeing that Dekan and Cornelia had finished their work, and Countess Lysilina was completely quiet, the lord who had been hiding in the mansion finally came out and walked over to Dekan.

"Lord Priest... Is this vampire dead?" The lord inquired.

"Well, of course. Mister Lord, you can rest assured." Dekan answered calmly with a smile.

It was the smile of an expert, a professional in their field. Seeing the smile, the lord felt extremely reassured.

When Dekan and Cornelia successfully subdued all the vampires in the mansion, they first made sure the lord regained consciousness.

In theory, once the caster of the mental control lost consciousness, the abnorm

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Novel Notes

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Current schedule is a bit unstable. But I will try to get 5chapters/week. Been a bit difficult, having some depression issues lately.