Chapter 176 - Dekan Thinking About The Affairs Of The Shadow Worlds
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There's Absolutely No Problem With The Magic Cards I Made! Chapter 176 - Dekan Thinking About The Affairs Of The Shadow Worlds

"Never had I thought that... I had already met you many years ago..." Dekan's master's words were filled with pain. The more she tried to delve, the more she couldn't quite grasp her memories.

"Dekan... who are you really..." She desperately wanted to retrieve her memories. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't pick up even a tiny fragment.

"I don't know either. Undoubtedly, I was born sixteen years ago on January 1st and is currently a bright youth living in this world," Dekan answered helplessly.

"That said, Master, you don't need to worry. Based on the images in your memory, it's highly unlikely we were enemies."

In the scenes from Dekan's master's memory, from the viewpoint, Dekan’s master was standing beside him.

Knowing Dekan's nature, he wouldn't have such a relaxed expression if the person or demon standing next to him wasn't someone he trusted deeply.

Dekan's master's emotions were restless and uneasy. After seemingly pondering for a long time, she finally gave up on continuing this futile effort.

"Dekan, help me... help me retrieve my memories. I've forgotten something very important!" Dekan's master's voice carried a pleading tone, something Dekan had never heard from her before.

She seemed more and more anxious as she thought about it.

"Don't worry, Master. As I’ve promised you before, I will help you retrieve them," Dekan said, unusually without any provocation towards Dekan's master.

"Mmm..." Dekan's master seemed particularly exhausted in her thoughts, likely from the strain. Feeling reassured by Dekan's words, she soon drifted back into slumber.

"..." Dekan confirmed that his master was peacefully asleep.

"This tough old lady actually has a vulnerable side," Dekan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"You said what?"

Suddenly, Dekan's master's thoughts came through again.

"Aren't you supposed to be asleep?! Why are you still bantering?!"

"I knew you'd be cheeky again. All meals for tomorrow - breakfast, lunch, and dinner - are mine. No objections."

"At most, I'll let you ha

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Novel Notes

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Current schedule is a bit unstable. But I will try to get 5chapters/week. Been a bit difficult, having some depression issues lately.