Chapter 174 - Dekan and Mauleon's Mutual Predictions (Long Chapter)
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There's Absolutely No Problem With The Magic Cards I Made! Chapter 174 - Dekan and Mauleon's Mutual Predictions (Long Chapter)

"All we have to do now is let Mauleon go up and make a move, and we can easily deal with Countess Lysilina," Dekan said to Cornelia, a pleased curve forming at the corners of his mouth.

The two of them were leisurely walking up the stairs back to the second-floor bedroom. They were planning to call up the lazy dog Mauleon and have him scheme against Countess Lysilina so they could easily clear the final mission of this Shadow World.

Their holiday has only just begun!

What Dekan was looking forward to the most today was undoubtedly the confused, frightened, and then despairing look on Countess Lysilina's face when she discovered that she was schemed against.

Dekan could already imagine the moment when Countess Lysilina closed her eyes, waiting for Mauleon's kiss, only for Mauleon to plunge the poisoned blade into her heart.

Dekan was getting a bit impatient.

"Be a bit more humane, Dekan. Even vampires seemed more humane than you... meow..." A faint voice floated from behind Dekan.

Teacher Cat couldn't help but poke its head out from Cornelia's shadow, sharply critiquing Dekan.

"?" Dekan turned around in confusion, looking at Teacher Cat in Cornelia's shadow.

Dekan: "How did you get here?"

Teacher Cat: "Obviously I followed you for safety, it's the same wherever I sleep, meow."

Dekan's smile disappeared instantly. He seemed to have realized many things.

Seeing Dekan's changing expression, Teacher Cat quickly retreated back into Cornelia's shadow.

Although it didn't know the reason, it realized that it seemed to have done something unexpected from Dekan's perspective. It might not necessarily be a good thing.

In fact, Mauleon had secretly spoken to it last night.

He asked it to follow Dekan and Cornelia during the day, capture all their interactions and tell him more in the future.

Dekan remained silent for a moment, squatting next to Cornelia's shadow, tapping on the shadow.

"Teacher Cat, come clean, did Mauleon trick you into following us?"

"Hmm? Hmm meow... Is there a problem?" Teacher Cat dared n

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Novel Notes

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Current schedule is a bit unstable. But I will try to get 5chapters/week. Been a bit difficult, having some depression issues lately.